Statistics Speak is an art installation project concerning abortion and how men, women, and children are hurt by abortion. The goal of this project is to offer a place for people suffering the affects of abortion to somehow find a bit of healing.
The art installation will consist of 1.2million red paper one squre inch pieces of paper. The papers will be strunge on fillament wire with about 100 squares per strand (and therefore 120,000 strands of these papers). Each square represents each abortion performed on average in the United States per year. Each paper is one inch by one inch because most babies are aborted prior to the 13th week (88% per which sites AGI and CDC).
The art installation is currently a work in process. The goal is to have this giant installation available for viewing to a mass audience. I would like to have all of the strands setup so that people will walk through them like a maze and at different turns in the maze will be information regarding the statistics of abortion from the CDC like average length of pregnancy, percentage comparison of races receiving abortion, etc. So people can see with their own eyes the number of abortions completed each year in the US alone. It is also an educational tool for women to learn what actually happens in a suction abortion. And I hope that for postabortive women(and the fathers) this could be a place to start the healing process from choosing abortion instead of life.